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FireFox Proxy Add-on

AWM Proxy Plugin [download/install (90 Kb)] - greatly simplifies working without proxy. the add-on will write your IP address to our settings, will download all proxies that are available for you, sort them by country, speed, and uptime, and will significantly simplify enabling/disabling proxies and their changeover

Immediately after installation and restart of Firefox, the add-on will open the settings window. It has two tabs: basic and advanced settings. This is what the basic settings window looks like:

The client of AWM Proxy is able to enter his/her login and password in corresponding field and to start using all functions without delay.

If the user has no account on the site, it is suggested to follow the link and register or he may not to mark the field with a tick "I am a client of AWM Proxy!".

Fields for login and password are followed by choice of authentication by login and password (recommended option) or with automated writing user's IP address into settings. If you select "login and password", the plug-in will not ask any question; it will give the proxy server the required login and password. but will not write your IP address automatically into our ?????????

The following checkmarks are present in the list of major settings: "Minimum uptime" (minimum time lapse of proxy working), "Minimum speed" (minimum admissible speed of proxies data transferring) and "Maximum amount of proxies" (maximum amount of proxies output during the list refreshment).
It has to be mentioned that these checkmarks have been created exactly to prevent problems with browser because of a large amount (for example, 20 000) proxy-servers on the tariff HTTP/SOCKS

Authentication is not mandatory - users that are not registered on the website can also use to plug-in however, in this case they will have to enter the list of proxy addresses (or write the list for auto-update) manually. For such users, the main settings window will look as follows:

Let's proceed to the window with additional settings:

Here we can see four checkmarks:
  • Automatic update of the proxy-servers list. Time span of the proxy-servers list refreshment (can be set by a user; on default it is 15 minutes).
  • Automatic change ofthe proxy server. The interval within which the current proxy server will be replaced by the next one. By default, this item is disabled.
  • Priority of the proxy-server's changing. If the previous checkmark is on, the user can choose the priority of one or another server: for example, it is possible to set priority for speed, uptime or country.
  • Language of AWM Proxy. The site interface's language - only two languages are currently available: Russian and English.
To start working, you have first to select a proxy server from the ones available at the moment (see below), depending on your tariff. The window for selecting the tariff may look like this:

It must be mentioned that this window emerges only if the user is subscribed for more than one type of proxy

After installation and successful adjustment of the plugin, the icon will appear in the bottom-right corner of the browser, displaying its current state:

Left click of this icon will switch the use of proxy:

Right click of this icon will open the settings menu:

Let's analyze each checkmark in details:
  • Your proxies. They display the IP-addresses list of proxy-servers, which are available for your choice
  • Proxies by characteristics. They display the same proxies that are displayed in the checkmark "Your proxies" but they allow you to choose them by a country, speed or lifetime.
  • Взять дополнительные прокси (только для эксклюзивных/индивидуальных тарифов). На этих тарифах перед использванием прокси нужно её зарезирвировать под себя. В списке "Взять дополнительные прокси" присутствуют те прокси, которые вы можете взять себе. Взятые отсюда прокси перемещаются в пункты «Ваши прокси» и «Прокси по параметрам».
  • To refresh the list of proxies. It conducts the refreshment of the list of proxy-servers.
  • To choose another tariff/type It opens the window of choosing of one of tariff plans (if you are subscribed for more than one tariff plan)
  • Turn off proxies. Shutdown of the proxies usage (similarly to the left click on the plugin icon).
  • AWM Proxy Tools settings Opens the plugin settings window, which has been described above.
  • Feedback It gives you opportunity to send message to the plugin creator.
  • About AWM Proxy Tools Opens this document.