Paid traffic. General information
Our service records traffic consumption of all proxies per all rates. We tried to reduce the cost of traffic to a minimum and you won't find cheaper traffic elsewhere
Cost for traffic of our proxies is within the range of $0.10/GB to $0.30/GB, which is ten times lower than at our competitors'
Moreover, in comparison with our competitors, we transfer the unused traffic for the next month!
Traffic is deducted every 5 minutes
Minimum remaining traffic - 1 Gb
Traffic is transferred for the next month given that you have purchased or extended your rate within 7 days after the previous one has ended
We store statistics concerning traffic consumption for the last 24 hours and further by day
If you ran out of traffic, your rate will be blocked, even if some time is left.
If you rate is ended because of time, but still there is some traffic, proxies will get blocked.
1Tb = 1 000 Gb = 1 000 Mb = 1 000 000 Kb
Cost for traffic of our proxies is within the range of $0.10/GB to $0.30/GB, which is ten times lower than at our competitors'
Moreover, in comparison with our competitors, we transfer the unused traffic for the next month!
Tariff | Cost | Cost per Gb | Max Traffic |
Base | <100$ | $0.30/GB | 400Gb |
Silver | <1 000$ | $0.25/GB | to 4 000Gb |
Gold | <5 000$ | $0.20/GB | to 25 000Gb |
Platinum | <10 000$ | $0.15/GB | to 66 000Gb |
Black | from 10 000$+ | $0.10/GB |